Monday, June 10, 2013

Tough incident

Thank you everyone for the emails this week. I really needed them. This week was probably the hardest week of my mission so far. I think I would rather have another colonoscopy and endoscopy over and over again before going through this week. A week ago on Saturday we went over to a ladies house who had been taught by the missionaries before, but she dropped them and wasn't interested any more. About a week ago we received a text from her saying that she would like to meet with the missionaries again, and of course we were super excited. Well  we get there and her apartment was/is disgusting!!! There was trash and food all over the floor and it smelled horrible. We were there for almost two hours because she kept crying and and talking to us and my companion had no idea what she was talking about. She speaks really really fast and is hard to understand.   So we set up another appointment with her for  Wednesday, and it was the hardest 30 minutes of my life. She has 7 kids but three of them are between the ages 2-6. We planned on teaching the Restoration, well we get there and there's more food and trash on the floor, but now there is dog pee on the floor and on the couches. The kids are super dirty and look like they haven't had a bath in months, and their clothes don't fit them. During the lesson the youngest child started to cry and wanted his moms attention. I can't talk about the rest without crying so lets just say she slapped and punched her kids in front of us. We ended the lesson very fast and went and called our zone leaders, who then called president. President wanted us to go teacher her again, but we had to have a bishop or a higher priesthood holder to come with us to be a witness, and to be someone who can go to court cases. This past Saturday we went and the Elders Quorum president came with us, and this time it was even worse. :( My heart hurts SOOO bad right now. I have never cried so much. During the lesson she told us that she received money from the church before when she was being taught by the missionaries previously, and she really needs it or else her electricity will be shut off and her kids will be taken from her. She told us that the state is already been over to talk to her about her kids. Thank goodness. I really don't know how you deal with cases like this everyday dad. Thank you for what you do. I wish I didn't have to witness something so horrible. Hermana Wilzbach and I were asked to write down everything we saw and heard. I never want to do this again. But I know we were sent there for those kids. Please pray that these kids will be taken out soon. The Hermano that came with us said she's from his country and usually hitting every once in awhile isn't uncommon, but he's never ever seen abuse and neglect like this before. 
This week really has been a pretty good week besides that situation. We only have one family that is coming to church, because everyone else works on Sundays, but they are trying to come. The hardest part about missions is seeing the sad lives a lot of these people live and the investigators not doing their commitments. Especially when they know that the church is true and what were saying is true. They just haven't had that conversion and desire. I know this church is true with all my heart and I love sharing it with everyone I come in contact with. I just wish they were all ready to hear it, but then this work would be way to easy. 
I don't know if you heard but there was a big fire in Houston where a hotel and restaurant burned down and four firefighters died. One of the members that feed us said that two of them were Mormon. I don't know if that is right though. The fire wasn't to far away from where I live. We drove by it the other day to go to the mission office for zone training. My President is an amazing guy and really knows his scriptures. You can ask him about anything and he can tell you what scripture to go to. I'm so grateful for him and his beautiful family. I love families!! My prayers go to the firefighters families and Alesha and Andrew. Thank you Andrew for all that you do. I love all of you soo much and miss you tons!
Just so you know I'm pro at riding my bike. My zone leader and I are having a contest to see who can do the coolest tricks. I can ride no handed on my seat and off my seat. I can put my feet on my middle bar and stand up, I also went off this ramp the other day and my companion said I was like 5 feet in the air. :) Awesome huh!! I love my bike. Thank you!! 
Hermana Cardoza feeds us every Friday and she took us to a chinese Restaurant and it was AMAZING!!! Her daughter Carly is actually moving up to Utah to go to BYU this Fall. She's super scared to be around Mormons all the time. haha 
Well family I would love and sit here  all day and tell you about everything but I'm on the lords time and need to finish shopping and I think were going bowling today as a zone. :) 
Love you all, 
Hermana Watkins

Emily's Apartment

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