Monday, July 22, 2013

Heavenly Father Has A Plan For All of Us

How's my beautiful family doing? I miss each and everyone of you sooooo very much, but I don't want to come home yet... Sorry. :) 
So I went to the Doctor this morning and guess what???? All my test came back NEGATIVE. I have four more test that they are waiting for. Bishop/Doctor said he would just call me later this week when they get them. I was really praying to receive answers to my pains, but that's not God's plan for me at this time. Right now the hardest part about my mission is forgetting about myself: my health problems, language, and only thinking about my investigators. But I am trying super, duper hard, because I know God will bless me if I do. I'm still on the Lactose diet. I accidently had something with milk in it on Thursday and I got really sick. So the doctors are almost positive that is one of the problems if not the only, well besides IBS. 

 We had some awesome lessons with members present. Those are the BEST lessons. Lindsey if their are sister missionaries in Vernal you should go on splits with them. You will love it. It's not scary all you have to do is bare testimony, and you will probably make a new friend too. EVEN BETTER!! I challenge all the family to look for opportunities to go out and work with the missionaries. Invite them over for dinner and give them people to teach or to do service for. They will LOVE you FOREVER!! 

On Thursday  we had our interviews with President, and guess what? You know how I was saying how blessed I've been to have a Branch President that's a Doctor and now the Bishop of my ward is? Well President Ashton has all the same problems of me. He is lactose intolerant and has IBS, he also has all the same stomach problems as me. My interview was basically all about our health problems and how we basically have everything in common. I love him! He is an amazing example for me. He had all of these problems and his mission too and he still went out and worked everyday even though he felt miserable. So from now on I'm going out and putting all faith in the Lord. He said it's really frustrating to know that the Doctors may never know what is wrong with him, and that this is something he has to deal with the rest of his life. He said because of this trial he has come to see Heavenly Father's hand in everything and has come closer to Him. I am so grateful for my trials and I know that they are the things that make us stronger and truly bless our lives. I know that I needed to be here not only because of the people I'm going to teach, but because of the members, other missionaries, and a President that can understand me completely. :) God loves me!
Emily and companion emailing from the library.

So a little about our investigators. Cynthia is to be baptized this next Sunday. She is SOOO ready, but is starting to doubt that she is. She feels like she needs to know everything before she's baptized. So we asked her to truly pray about if she is ready, and hopefully she receives an answer. If not then we will move it for two weeks. I love her so much, and I'm really excited for her. She says the cutest prayers and has a really strong testimony already. She's basically my little sister. She's 17 and is a super cute girl with a rough life. Another investigator is the Molina Lopez family. We had an amazing lesson with them on Saturday. I was very bold but loving with them. They all have testimony's in this church and they want to know it's true, but they don't do the commitments we give them. They told us that they would come to church and they actually seemed really excited. Well next day at church they didn't show up. I was devastated :( I love them so much, and it's so hard to see someone have the truth, but push it aside. But I will not give up!
 We went to the Houston Museum last Pday and it was WAY cool! The dinosaur part of the Museum was way better then the one in Vernal. ha And they had an Egypt exhibit, and  a really cool exhibit of just diamonds and different jewels. I forgot to send pictures from last week I will try and send some today. One of the pictures is of my legs with blue circles all over them. I had 62 mosquito bites on my right leg and 82 on the other from one lesson standing outside. WOAH!! My legs were so itchy! 
 Shoe tan line and bug bites.
 President loves me and my companion. He is letting us go to the temple again :) He was REALLY impressed with our numbers from last week and from Wednesday this week. Our first day out this week was Wednesday and we received 7 lessons and 4 of them being member present. He also said we need it for being stuck in our apartment all the time. :) YAY!! I think were going Thursday. 
Well I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful time at the Merrell camp. 

Remember God has a plan for all of us. Pray to him to bettter understand your plan. He will answer!!!
Les Quiero
Hermana Watkins

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