Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Aloha! haha 
I thought I would switch it up a bit, and say aloha instead of Hola! ha So right now I am on FIRE!! It is sooooo hot here. Woah buddy! On Saturday we hit 113 with probably 100 percent humidity!! That's really hot! 
Last Tuesday I got sent to the Doctor because I was having more problems... Mom I will email them to you. I don't really feel like everyone needs to know about the fun details. We got to have a car for almost all week last week. On Tuesday we had district meeting and then I received a blessing from Elder Watts again for comfort, because I don't know if you could tell by my email from last week, but I was having a really hard time. :( But all is well now. My blessing was probably one of the most bold most powerful blessings I have EVER received. Every single one of my questions that was going through my head was answered. It literally felt like God was there giving it to me, which he was, but through a young man. I think my blessing really surprised everyone in my district, because they were probably all expecting to hear a blessing about my health but there was like one tiny part that talked about it. That part was the scary part. In my blessing it talked about how all of these health problems are preparing me for a even bigger trial that I will have later on... I don't know if that means in my mission or later in life, but I guess I should be really glad that the Lord is willing to prepare me. I wish my blessing was recorded so you could hear how powerful it was. :) After district meeting we went to the Colache factory and had lunch as a district and then Hermana and I got a car so I could go to the doctor. The doctor gave me no answers, so then Wednesday the office nurse told me she knew another really good doctor in Houston that is actually Mormon and is a bishop over a Spanish ward.... guess who's ward that is. haha mine!! I love Obispo Cabezas, but I was super nervous to go and see him. They did some tests and I have another check up tomorrow to see how everything is going and to receive the results. He gave me some antibiotics and some medicine for the stomach pain. You should see all the prescriptions I have now from the MTC and now. WOW!! 
Wednesday we had exchanges. Hermana Ricks and Greenwood came to our area and I wasn't allowed to go out yet, because I was still sick. So Hermana Greenwood stayed in the apartment with me while Hermana Ricks and Wilzbach went out and taught some of our investigators we haven't seen in FOREVER!!  One of our investigators Cynthia accepted to be baptized. She's already received all of the lessons and goes to church every week so were now just waiting for when she feels completely ready :) After exchanges we went over to Hermana Sproules house for dinner and she made this really yummy pasta with bread. 
Thursday I went and had a interview with President Ashton. I emailed him last Monday and told him about my health and how everything was going. So he wanted to see me and just talk to me, and he gave me some things to read and I feel really good after talking with him. A lot of the things he said and the things that were said in my blessing all go back to my patriarchal blessing. :) Man oh man I love this Gospel so much!!!!! :) Oh also, when I was at the mission office the news was there meeting with my President about the big news about how missionaries will be able to start using facebook soon, and this September my mission will be receiving Ipads and smartphones :)  Crazy, I don't know how much I will like it though. It's kind of nice being free from those things. 
Friday was the best day on Earth. During my interview with President Ashton I told him how I have to stay in for 5 more days and it's really hard to stay focused on the work... when I can't really do it. So he told us to go to the temple!!! Ahhhhh So Friday morning Hermana Sproule took us to the 8 o'clock session. Oh my goodness the Houston temple is HUGE, and BEAUTIFUL!! I love the temple! The people there were really surprised that I had all the stuff memorized :) I received a lot of answers at the temple and my head has been cleared. Usually you can only go to the temple if you sacrifice a Pday, but we didn't have to!!!  Also, you can only go to the temple once a quarter.
Emily's District

Emily and companion Hermana Wilzbach

In front of the Houston temple

The beautiful Houston, Temple
 Friday night we went over to Lucy Cardoza's house for dinner, and she didn't feel like cooking so she took us out to get wings :) YUMMY!! But she told us some sad news... :( she wont be here for the next three weeks, because they found a big tumor in her body and she's flying to El Slavador so her uncle can remove. :( She's really scared, but excited to go back to her country. She hasn't been back for 35 years! That's crazy! 
Saturday not a whole lot happened it. We weren't allowed to go outside till night time because it hit 113 degrees and I can't be in heat with my medicine. :( So we went out around 5 pm to see if I can still ride a bike. Good news, I can!! Barely... It was still really hot around 5, but I was sick of our apartment and had to get out. We rode to this chinese looking house that has a huge statue of Kung Fu Panda and the Three Chipmunks. We weren't able to take pictures, but we will this week. It's a way cool house. 
Like I said I finished my first transfer :) We have transfers this week and Hermana Ricks is training and she just finished her training... I hope that doesn't happen to me. Hermana Pimentel is transferring, and Elder Truman, Craven, and Hermana Greenwood. We are receiving a lot of Visa waiters this week so we will have 21 trios throughout the mission and one quad, because there will be one trainer with three trainees...  Lots of exciting things are happening here. Lots and lots of baptisms and next Sunday Ximena and Ana are getting baptized :) my first Baptism!!! Ahhh I can't wait. I'm super excited for them! :) :) 

This last week has been a huge trial, but through the Atonement I made it through it. I am so grateful for my Savior and for the help that he gives me all the time. I could not be out here if it wasn't for him, and all of my family and friends. Thank you all for the love and support you have given me. I am truly blessed. :) :) I'm sending pictures of the BEAUTIFUL temple, and my district!! They're beautiful too :)
Les Quiero <3
Hermana Watkins

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