Monday, July 29, 2013

Hello family and friends,
This past week has been AMAZING! It started off kind of sad not receiving answers to my health, but the Lord has a plan for me and I have seen his hand in everything in my life. Earlier this week during companionship study Hermana Wilzbach and I were talking about how much our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us sooooooo much! The scriptures have every answer we need. At times we may not understand them completely, but we may not be ready to understand them. Jesus taught with parables. Some just enjoyed listening to them, because they were interesting stories. While others really understood the meaning behind them. Parables are understood very differently for each person. There's ALWAYS something to learn. Some of us are not prepared to learn the whole meaning to the parable so were take parts of it that we can APPLY to our lives. If we want to learn more we need to APPLY. For example, those who have their patriarchal blessings can better understand this. For me when I first received my blessing like none of it made sense to me. Parts did but it was still real confusing to me. There are certain times we need some of the things in our blessing. Each time I read it I learn more and understand it better. Especially after I go through a trial. God knows we are not ready to understand everything, but he's givin us ways to. We are loved so much and what a blessing it is to have the scriptures so we can learn more and grow in the Gospel, and truly prepare ourselves to be with God again. I don't know if any of this makes sense through email, but if you pray to understand I'm positive God will help you, because it's such an important lesson we all need to learn about. Don't get frustrated because you don't understand something. You may not be prepared. I'm not prepared to learn Spanish fluently right now. It's a trial I'm willing to work through though. Because I know I will be blessed and others will be to. I need to learn more lessons and other things before I can speak clearly. I love Gods plan!!!!!! He loves us so much!
Any who....... this week we had 30 lessons :) HE has truly blessed us with lessons,especially memeber present lessons. Which are the best :) One really big miracle received this week is Fransico the less active that doesn't beleive in the Bible or Christ dying for us and thinks black people aren't children of God and beleive they were sent here to be our slaves.... Now beleives in the Bible and that Christ died for us!!!!!!!! We shared the Articles of Faith with him and showed him that when he was baptized he said that he beleived in these things and would follow them. We then shared a scripture from the Bible, but didn't tell him it was the Bible and asked if he beleived... he was like well yeah, who wouldn't beleive that. :) Then we told them that it was from the Bible... ha we tricked him, but he liked it. We keeps telling us that we were angels sent for him. I love him soooo much and I love seeing his progression. My companion and I decided that I'm a reactivationist. I love working with those who are less active and those who know the truthfullness of this Gospel, but don't get baptized.. I LOVE them sooo much! Oh and Fransico is a Theologist... so he knows everything about religion, which makes is more fun!!
I have recieved a lot of humbling experiences with speaking Spanish this week. I'm not as advanced as a lot of the missionaries, but it's coming along and I embarrass myself a lot, but it's makes things fun and very humbling... haha Tomorrow I'm giving my first talk in Spanish at District Metting... this should be interesting. :) I'm excited though. It's experiences like this that help me grow and become stronger.
The temple was amazing and beautiful like always. I really miss working at the temple though. I wish missionaries got to work in the temple for one day a week.. it's missionary work still :)
Houston Temple
Hermana and I are having a lot of fun together now that were both pretty healthy. All of investigators think were pretty hilarious :) were kind of crazy/weird! We had a water fight in our bedroom the other night where we both ended up soaked and our beds were drenched... good thing we have a dryer in our apartment. Oh and I found out a way to break into the bathroom while she's in the shower... so I turned of the lights while she was in the shower, and then locked the door again. She thought the power went out and just showered the rest of the time in the dark.... hahahhaha our apartment it now covered with cochroaches (I don't know how to spell or talk anymore) so we have killing parties all the time.. GROSS!! I scream a lot when I kill them. :)
Silly Hermana
Last Friday was packed full of Zone meeting/ service all day long/ Talent show for the WHOLE stake. We had over 700 people come to the talent show.  All the Spanish missionaries were there with investigators. I saw Hermana Johnson. We were planning on getting a picture together, but forgot :( The Talent show was really cool. They performed dances from all different countries and had people playing some funky instruments and my very own Margy Sproule even got up and danced with some other ladies from my ward :) I love her!
Saturday we stopped by our dear friends the Molina Lopez family apartment to help set up for Juana's birthday party. She turned six! We gave her a little blue necklace and earrings that we got from someone in our ward. She loved them. I have a picture with me and her too. :) and we got food. The Lord always provides!!
Juana and Emily
I love you all. I know this church is true! Thank you for everything you do! I'm so blessed to be part of an AMAZING family.
Les Quiero
Hermana Watkins

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